What We Do

Clever is a developer of fermented biotic health ingredients. Our customers are pharmaceutical, nutraceutical, and functional food brands. Our mission is to enhance the health and well-being of individuals. We do this by increasing the natural potency of fruit through fermentation.

Our proprietary fermentation technologies improve the bioavailability (absorption) of fruit goodness. It produces a broad array of bioactives called phenolics that are known to protect the body from inflammation, and improve gut, cell and brain health.

Our fermentation technologies mimic the same functions as the body’s digestion. We aim to create a similar array of bioactives as occurs during digestion.

For decades, the health benefits of fruit have been widely researched. Regular intake is associated with health benefits including:

    • Reduction in the risk of cardiovascular disease, and type 2 diabetes.
    • Slower rate of cognitive decline and reduced risk of neurodegenerative disorders such as Parkinson disease.
    • Their antioxidant functions make them a natural defense for many types of cancers.
    • Their anti-inflammatory capabilities aid with digestion and contribute to better weight management.
    • Polyphenols are also known for skin protection and beautification abilities.

The problem with fruit goodness, whose scientific name is polyphenol, is bioavailability. Research shows very little of the goodness becomes available for the body to use. One macro study suggests it is less than 0.03%.

Our first product, Bluotic™, launched in 2022. is based on the Wild Blueberry, the World’s #1 Superfruit. Our research intention is to demonstrate that our fermented wild blueberry ingredient can have a significant impact on age related cognitive decline. One of our research partners is working on a second scientific discovery to demonstrate its obesity and weight loss potential.

Most regulators in the world have a list of historically recognized health benefits for each superfruit. The question we asked ourselves is, if that small amount of bioavailability generates recognized health benefits, what if we 5x the potency.

We believe there is an ideal superfruit, or combination of 2-3 superfruit, that aligns to each of the world’s top 10 health pandemic. That we can build nutraceuticals from superfruit that could profoundly impact distinct areas of general health.

We further believe that synthetic biology holds the key to microbe selection. That the ideal superfruit and the ideal fermentation microbe, or combination of microbes, can generate nutraceuticals with attractive dosage economics.

Finally, we believe that bioprocessing is the ideal use for the 25% of the superfruit waste, called farm loss, that never leaves the farm. That this fruit can be rescued, that often this fruit has more goodness, and that it can be powerfully put to use to help resolve some of humanity’s biggest health challenges.

Our vision is 10 Superfruit – 10 Nutraceuticals.